Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blah blah blah~

Just finished supper! Something different today
Plain porridge and some random dishes :O

Kinda sick of food from coffeeshop so yeah.. went to shop around at SHENG SIONG SUPERMARKET to find the dishes for my supper.. it's fun to shop for your meal yourself! :D

Yeah.. erm tomorrow going for maths extra lesson at 9am.. hope i don't be late for the lesson.. recently been quite moody anyway.. i also couldn't find the reason why i am feeling so either so STOP ASKING ME IN MSN! Thanks for the concern anyway T.T (SHOUTOUT: GAHS!)

Anyway something i saw in my blog tracker

How could this search even link to my blog =.= (abit no link lars!)
Ok think i must sleep soon cause of the lesson tomorrow starts at 9am!